Thursday 12 December 2013

Sauvez la terre!

Good Evening Boys and Girls!

I have uploaded the assignment for everyone to look at for this weekend.  I know some of you are taking the work home which is great, and you are more than welcome to come Monday morning either before 9am or at morning recess to work on the poster.  

Remember to be creative in your drawings and to use lots of colour, so your posters stand out.

There will be no presentations, as we don't have the time before the break.  

Affiche Pour La Planète

You and a partner will co-create a poster about saving the planet.  The readings we have done in class have been about “saving the planet” and as individuals we each have a contribution and responsibility to keep the earth healthy.  The poster should be creative, and clearly show how someone can go about helping the planet.

Your poster must have the following criteria:


  • o   Title
  • o   Slogan
  • o   A main image (something to catch the audience’s attention)
  • o   Additional images if possible
  • o   Four phrases on what we can do to help the planet
  • o   Correct spelling and grammar
  • o   Colour
  • o   Neat printing
  • o All the information must be in French!

Materials will be provided in class.  If you wish to use images from the Internet, you can do that as well but not during class time.  It is advised that you create a rough draft before you begin a good copy of the poster.  You should also write a rough copy of the title, slogan and four phrases that you will use, in order to correct spelling mistakes. In order to do this, look for words in the stories, vocabulaire de la semaine, your peers, dictionary and teacher.  

Tuesday 3 December 2013

ER Verb Quiz

Pour le quiz il y aura dix questions et deux questions bonus.  Les dix questions seront seulement la conjugaison des verbes.  

Le quiz sera:

6A- vendredi, le 6 décembre
6C- vendredi, le 6 décembre
6D- lundi, le 8 décembre

Les Verbes en "ER"

Bonjour tout le monde!

As you know we have been doing ER verbs all week in class.  I have put up somethings to help you studying at home.  Your marks will always be reflective of the amount of effort that you put in to the class.  I am glad to see that most of you are trying to give it your best.  Keep up the good work! Bon effort!  

Try out these websites to help you study:


Tuesday 26 November 2013

Week of November 25th, 2013

Vocabulaire de la Semaine

  1. la plage- the beach
  2. baigner- to swim
  3. les déchets- trash
  4. l'eau- water
  5. la plancarte- the sign
  6. les produits- products
  7. réduire- to reduce
*Practice writing the words in French, and knowing what they mean in English*

Quiz Dates

6A- Friday, November 29th
6C- Friday, November 29th
6D- Monday, December 2nd